Welcome to BVEC Code Club

Who are we ?

BVEC code club is a crucial part of Barak Valley Engineering College which provides every possible opportunities to all the aspiring programmers who aspire to change the world for the better. The main purpose of the club is to make the coding environment in the campus better for all the students in all possible manner so that it can attract students. Better the environment better the mindset of the students to take the coding level up in the campus. Since the inception of the club in 2019, the members over the years tried their level best to organise various coding events. As of 2022 the club's main responsibilities is to organise various coding events as the members have come with many ideas such as CODLLENGE, DEVLLENGE and various webinars on opensource, python, github, placement guides. The club focuses on Coding, Algorithmic Programming, Competitive programming, Web Designing, App Development, and various other aspects of Programming

Club Events

Date : 19th March 2023

Code Quest 1.0

It brings the BVEC CODE CLUB immense joy to present before you Code Quest 1.0, a grand competitive programming event of BVEC coding club in association with the revered Geeks For Geeks .

Date : 01-Dec-2022

Code Club Joining Test

We are glad to notify you all that we are going to conduct a coding exam for all newcomers and other interested students who are willing to be part of the club

Date : 12-Nov-2022

Orientation Program

All the Student in the college are hereby invited in the orientation program organised by BVEC Code Club.The event will be hosted by the members of the club. The program will be guided by our respected seniors of batch 2017.

From the Incharge's Desk

Coding is a hidden instinct in us which once groomed with enlightened association can bring out the best of creativity. So dive into the association of coders and translate your imagination into reality.

Faculty In-charge

Mr. Gautam Nath

Hod, Dept of CSE

From the President's Desk

I am privileged and honoured to hold the position of President of BVEC Code Club. As president of this club my first priority is to ensure a good coding environment for the students of our college.

The main aim in my tenure is to provide the students with the required facilities so that they can compete and grow together.


Monowar Hussain

Student, 2020-24 Dept. of CSE